The word Shloka means 'song', and originates from the root śru or ‘hear’. Shlokas, which are repeated to aid concentration in meditation, have its origins from the Vedic period. Indians have used the science of sacred sound for centuries as an aid to humans who seek to communicate with the divine spirit, within themselves and the universe. Recent research into the effects of chanting has discovered a variety of benefits including the effect of raising the level of vibration of the individual practicing the chant. This makes the practitioner gain peace, feel calm and become more centered, which in turn allows the person to channelize the positive energy received in a variety of ways.
Development of Faith and
Bhav (Spiritual emotion) for the Deity
Bolsters Memory Power
Sanskrit Sounds Boosts Cognitive Function
Chanting Purifies the Antahakaran
Acts as an Immunity Booster
Strengthens Positive Thinking
Obtaining Divine Knowledge
Helps Lower Heart Rate & Improves Blood Circulation
Ensures Proper Functioning Of Heart & Lungs
Assists in Stress And Anger Management